Washdown Nozzle Hansen Turbo Sweep bare

Washdown Nozzle Hansen Turbo Sweep bare

Washdown Nozzle Hansen Turbo Sweep Kit

Developed by Hansen New Zealand, Turbo is the best washdown nozzle. Featuring industrial-strength plastics for hard knocks and drops and big hand grips for wet, cold hands. Maximum cleaning power for all industries - dairy, meat, factories, fishing. Ratchet nozzle for controlled flow. No accidental turn-on. Available in Turbo Twist delivering 20% more power due to concentrated turbo flow or Turbo Sweep combining the power of the Twist with a sweep jet that provides a powerful broom action. Available on its own (bare) or as a Kit. Kit includes unique swivel hose tail cpnnections for 32 mm and 40 mm hoses. Additional swivel hose tails or optional male BPST hose connectors also available.
  • Best selling washdown nozzle
  • Industrial-strength plastics for durability
  • Big-diameter hand grips for wet, cold hands
  • No accidental turn-on if dropped
Developed especially by Hansen New Zealand to be the best washdown nozzles in market and covered by lifetime guarantee. Test results show you save time on cleaning and deliver 20% more cleaning power due to the higher concentrated turbo flow and the large 40mm water inlet. Industrial-strength plastic construction gives maximum resistance to hard knocks. Comfortable, easy turn action for flow control and positive reverse click prevents hose turning on when dropped. Ideal for yard washing, trucks & trays, high-pressure washing, meatworks and marine use.  Turbo Sweep is a powerful broom action taking you from jet to sweep mode with just a click. Kits: supplied with standard 32mm & 40mm Hose tail connections.