Ram Harness MatingMark Small

Ram Harness MatingMark Small

Ram Harness No Mate Teaser

The NO MATE Harness is an alternative to castration and allows rams and ewes to run together without mating. Use your rams as teasers to bring maidens (hoggets) into season or concentrate lambing. It can detect cycling and attempted mating, aiding artificial breeding programs. Shoof assumes no liability for the harness.
Low stock
  • No need for ram/buck castration
  • Detect cycling and mating attempts
  • Suitable for artificial breeding programs
  • Can also be worn by goat bucks
"The NO MATE Harness is for use in conjunction with a MATINGMARK Breeding
It is an alternative to vasectomising, or to allow males and females to
be run together without mating.
With a MATINGMARK Crayon in place, NO MATE Harness will show animals
that are cycling and where mating has been attempted. It can therefore
also be used in artificial breeding programmes to detect the best timing
for insemination and embryo transfer.
IMPORTANT: Before using this product, the user must determine that it is
suitable for the intended use.
LIMITED LIABILITY: Shoof accepts no liability resulting from the use of
this harness.