Poultry Feeder Galvanised Susp 18kg cpt

Poultry Feeder Galvanised Susp 18kg cpt

Poultry Feeder Galvanised Susp 5kg cpt

These simple galvanised-iron poultry feeders feature adjustable feed flow and removable plastic lids for easy access and cleaning. Available in two sizes, 5 kg (32 cm diameter, 30 cm height) and 18 kg (38 cm diameter, 50 cm height), these feeders can be easily suspended for added convenience.
plus freight
  • Suspendable for increased hygiene
  • Long life span with quality galvanising
  • Easy to clean
  • Rolled edges for safety
Simple galvanised-iron poultry feeders, with plastic lids. The 5kg feeder tray is 32cm diameter and the height is 30cm o.a. The 18kg feeder is 38cm diameter and the height is 50cm o.a. The plastic lid is easily removed for filling. Feed flow is adjustable by means of an internal holding clip. The feeders can be suspended by use of the hole at the top of the centre spindle.