Lamb Carry & Weigh Sling

Stress-free carrying and weighing of lambs, kids, and crias. Preserve the mother and offspring bond with the mother being able to see, hear, and smell her newborn. Reduce the risk of abandoned lambs, kids, and cria. Chest strap with clip closure for easy fit and release. Adjustable length to suit size and age. Convenient handles for hanging scale. Belly flap Dimensions 18 cm x 43 cm.
Made to order
  • Stress free handling of newborn stock
  • Less interruption to the mothering bond
  • Easy weighing and carrying
For stress-free carrying and weighing of lambs, kids and crias. A key advantage is that the mother can see, hear and most importantly smell the newborn and more readily follows- vital for preserving the mother and offspring bond. Less human smell on newborns reduces the risk of abandoned lambs, kids & cria. Quick and easy to fit, the chest strap has a clip closure for easy fit and release and is length adjustable to suit size and age of animal. Comfortable webbing handles are also ideal for a hanging scale. Belly flap dimensions are 18cm x43cm.
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