Hoofmat Sheep Goat Blue 47cm x 184cm

The Sheepmat is a premium quality blue fabric outer with 31 mm foam. Suitable for most race systems on concrete, wood, or impervious surfaces. Treat animals in clean conditions, avoid long distances. Use with 10 L of 2% copper sulphate or vet-recommended remedy. Size: 1.84 m x 0.47 m.
Made to order
  • Easy method for hoofcare treatment
  • Minimal waste
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Easy to clean

 For the application of liquid hoof remedies to sheep or goat feet. Suitable for the treatment and control or prevention of a variety of hoof ailments.

 The Hoofmat does more than just bathe animals’ feet in solution or remedy. The design of the mat, combined with weight of the animal, creates an effect that pushes liquid vigorously into the animal’s foot and interdigital cavity of the hoof. Any remedy used in a footrot trough can be used more effectively and economically in a Hoofmat. Recommended for use in a race or congregation point. It is preferable that the animal stands quietly for a period immediately following passing over the mat. Fill with solution recommended by your vet and refill as required during use. Hang to drain and hose off. (Note: Remedy residues may affect galvanised rails).

One of the great benefits of changing from a footbath to Hoofmat for footrot treatment and prevention, is the significant reduction in highly toxic treatment remedies such as formalin and copper-sulphate entering drainage systems and the environment.

Mat must be placed on concrete, wood, or another impervious surface. For successful treatment use in a situation where the animals will not be walking in dirty conditions, or for long distances, immediately after crossing the mat. Management systems may have to be developed to enable lame or at-risk animals to be treated to cross the mat at least once per day . Hoofmat for Sheep & Goat should be used with about 10 litres of 2% copper sulphate solution, or other remedy as may be recommended by your veterinarian.

Size of the Hoofmat for Sheep/Goat is 1.84m long x 0.47m wide.