Debudder LPG Farmhand 18mm tip only

Debudder LPG Shoof Farm 18mm tip only

Debudder LPG Farmhand Jet only

Debudder LPG Shoof Farm Jet only

Debudder LPG Shoof Farm cpt (nil gas)

Introducing the Shoof Farm LPG debudder. Recommended for vets and contractors. Gas control on handle, fast heating, and remains cool even after continuous use. 3.2 m hose and sturdy hang-hook included. Replacement parts available.
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  • Tried & trusted by professionals
  • Rugged and reliable
  • Fast heating, maintains high temperature
  • Bakelite handle remains cool even after long use
Our own-brand Farmhand debudder has been completely redesigned for 2019. We are producing this device to be the most rugged and most reliable of our debudders range. This is the one that we recommend for vets and contractors. The one that will stand continuous hard usage. Gas control is on the handle, so a regulator is not required on the bottle. The hose is a generous 3.2m long. This tool is fast heating, and will maintain a high temperature even in cool or windy conditions. The Bakelite handle remains cool, even after long use. Handle is an ergonomic design, with heat shield and pressure flange, and remains cool even after continuous use. A sturdy hang-hook is incorporated. NOTE: Will not fit older gas bottles (pre 1 April 2021). LPG valves should be New Type 27 (LCC27) Valve as per regulations- see attached image.
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