Clipper Blade Aesculap A5 6.3mm No.5F

Clipper Blade Aesculap A5 6.3mm No.5F

Clipper Blade Aesculap A5 9.5mm No.4

Durable Aesculap A5-style blades are perfect for any 'A5' snap-on clippers. Available in various clip heights to suit your grooming needs, these blades can be resharpened by Shoof for long-lasting performance.
  • Fits any 'A5' snap-on clipper
  • Exceptionally high quality
  • Can be sharpened 7+ times
  • Manufactured in Germany
Aesculap A5-style blades are suitable for any ‘A5’ clipper. Dimension is clip height. Durable/resharpenable